A day in London from ZE HOTEL

Our Hotel is only a few minutes away from the Gare du Nord. What about spending an entire day in London during your Parisian trip? You only have to take an early train; you’ll arrive in less than two hours at the St Pancras station (and take the last train around 20h30!). Pack all your essentials in a small bag, put your shoes on (and don’t forget an umbrella!)
Eurostar has many advantages such as the breakfast on board at the Cafe Metropolis or The Day Travel Card that gives you an unlimited access in the Londonian transports for the day (also another tip: the credit cards without contact can be used as a ticket!).
What to do during the day? Why don’t you start by visiting the famous Big Bon, not far from the station, from here you’ll see the Westminster Abbey (a royalty symbol). You might certainly be excited to discover the famous streets of London such as those from Soho or China Town. ZE Hotel is particularly fond of Camden Town Market, one of the most famous markets in the world, perfect in order to wander, walk around the Regents Canal or listen to the street artists.
You would rather enjoy a bit of nature. London is a real “green city”, you can choose between many parks such as St James Park, Green Park or even Hyde Park…
Of course what would be a journey in London without shopping! You’ll find your happiness on Oxford Street (Hamleys!!) or on Piccadilly Circus. Don’t forget to stop at Fortnum and Mason for the “teat time”! After your shopping, go straight to the London Eye for a wonderful and panoramic view of the capital.
If you want to learn new things or enjoy some art, London is your dream city: don’t miss the National Portrait Gallery or the Tate Modern, without forgetting the Globe Theatre (built during the 16th century by William Shakespeare’s company).
Sadly it would be soon enough time to go, you can eat something at the train station or have diner on board of the Eurostar: anyway, you can be sure you’ll be sleeping tight in your guest-room at the ZE Hotel.